
Week of Fitness 2/24-3/2/2014

Hello friends! I hope you are all doing great! I just wanted to stop in to let y’all know how my marathon training is going!

Sidenote: Ryan’s work and my school were both cancelled today because of icy roads! It’s so weird to me that it’s March and only a week before spring break and we are still having winter weather! Saturday it was 80 degrees here, and Ryan and I went outside to enjoy the weather. I wore shorts and a tank top! Now it’s freezing. Typical Texas weather.

Anyways, here are last week’s workouts!

Monday: 4.62 easy miles. My legs were extremely sore last weekend from my last long run, so I did this run easy. Then I did a new arm workout that I can’t wait to share with you guys! Also, I did some yoga poses that Christine said were good for runners!

Tuesday: 5×50 workout from PurelyTwins

Wednesday: Wednesday was a stressful afternoon that made me very short on time. I was only able to run a fast two miles and then do random strength and cardio exercises inside as I waited for dinner to cook.

Thursday: 5 miles, and I planned on doing abs in the afternoon, but we had a really busy afternoon and night and I wasn’t able to get around to it. That’s totally okay though

Friday: Yoga, oh how I am growing to love yoga and the challenge of trying to improve. 🙂

Saturday: 20 miles!! I was happy with how this went, and I felt much better when I finished than I did the week before after running 18!

Sunday: Rest! After those super long runs, I always love rest days. 🙂

If you read my last post then you know that I said I was going to go back on my mileage last week…that obviously didn’t happen since I did a 20 miler. I started thinking, and instead of taking a rest week, and then running 20 miles and 22 miles back to back weekends, I decided to run 20, cut back on my mileage this week, and then two weekends from now go for 22 miles. Last week I also didn’t get in near as much strength training as I was hoping for, so I am going to try to get in more strength workouts this week!

Okay, now time to go off and enjoy some time with the Hubs! Have a great day and week!

P.S. I miss posting more often! Love y’all!

Time to Reveal a Little Secret

So there is this thing I have been keeping from y’all. I have really wanted to write about it on here, but I have been scared. But today is the day I come out and share my little secret.


It’s about these feet and these shoes. They are itching for a new adventure…

I have run a mud run.

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I have run three half marathons.


I have run in numerous 5K’s and other small races for fun.

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I run every week because it’s my happy place.


I even now have a running belt and a running backpack for long runs.

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I need a new challenge. That is why yesterday was training day #1 for my first full marathon!!! 



Yes a full marathon! I am so excited! Many of you runners out there have inspired me and given me the confidence I need that I can do this. I have wanted to do a full for a long time now because I wanted to challenge myself more, but 26.2 miles just sounded so long. I have been thinking about this for a long time, and I can’t let myself not run a marathon because I am scared or intimidated. I would regret that decision for the rest of my life. I am confident that I can do this! I made up my training schedule Wednesday night and started my training yesterday. The race is April 6. 🙂

I would appreciate any advice from all of you marathon veterans out there! I made my long run for this week yesterday since I am running in a 10k race with my Dad, Aunt, and cousin tomorrow. I did 9 miles yesterday, and next Saturday I will run 11 miles for my next long run. I am very excited about training for this race and I had to share my news with all of you! 🙂

I hope you all have a great Friday and a great weekend! I should have a fun, busy weekend. After my race tomorrow my Mom and I are going shopping, and then Saturday night Ryan and I are going to one of our friends’ house for party. Sunday after church I have a wedding shower to go to, and then I will probably spend the rest of the afternoon meal planning for the week! I’m excited for all of the family and friends I get to spend time with this weekend!


1. Have you ever ran a marathon? If so, what are some tips you have for me?

2. What has been your favorite race you have ever ran and why?

3. What are you doing this weekend?

4. Are all of your Christmas decorations put up yet? Mine aren’t. 😦 I have to finish that; it’s just not nearly as fun taking them down as it is putting them up!