Let’s Catch Up!

Hello everyone! It feels so good to be back blogging again! I have honestly really missed it! Thank you for all of your sweet comments on my past posts and for totally understanding that I needed to take a break after our family news.

After the funeral last Monday, the rest of the week just seemed to be hectic and tiring! I was trying to catch up and trying to regain my strength. I was mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted. (Sidenote: I am considering writing a post about how to deal with total and complete exhaustion. Would you be interested?)


This is how I felt last Friday!

But now I am back, and I feel rejuvenated! I still ask for prayers for my family because it’s still a tough time. But you have to move on with life, be thankful for what you have, and choose to be happy and positive.

Photo on 2013-11-09 at 22.10 Photo on 2013-11-09 at 22.03 #2 Photo on 2013-11-09 at 22.01 #2

If you  need some ideas to boost your mood, try taking some ridiculous pictures with your family. It’s pretty much guaranteed to make you laugh. Just looking back at these pictures makes me smile. I love my crazy, fun family. 🙂

So if you have been reading my last few posts you have probably noticed that I have talked a lot about switching to self hosting my blog and getting my own domain name. I still want to do this, and I am in the process of researching and finding the best company to use that works best for me and our budget. The main thing is definitely money. Ryan and I have a pretty strict budget, and we try our best to stick to it since we are trying to save up for a house. Unfortunately, we have had some unexpected expenses come up lately, which kind of delays us paying money to self-host my blog at this moment.

I am currently out of media space on this blog, and I don’t want to pay to buy more space since I am planning on paying to self-host, where I will then have unlimited media space. So until I can start self-hosting, I also can’t post pictures. 😦 TOTAL BUMMER, RIGHT??? Well, I can still post old pictures that are saved to here already, but that’s it.

Anyways, I love putting pictures on here, and I love how it breaks up the reading. I, personally, don’t really like to read a long blog post with no pictures. It seems to take too long, and I guess I’m a kid at heart and need pretty pictures to pull me in. 😉

pooh hugs

Random picture to pull you in, just in case you’re like me. 🙂

So I really didn’t know if I would post anything since this post couldn’t have pictures (at least new pictures), but I wanted to give y’all an update on my life and why I’ve been gone for so long! Not blogging for this past week or so has felt really weird! It has just become routine for me now.

So here are a few updates, in a numbered list format because it helps me feel more organized since this post is jumping all around to totally different subjects!

1. Marathon training is still going good! Last week we got snow (crazy weather for Texas!), so I had to miss a couple of runs, but I did get in a 16 miler on Saturday! I run 17 miles this Saturday; that will be the longest distance ever for me!

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2. We are still enjoying our meatless meals, and Ryan is continually trying more and more foods!


Totally reusing pictures. 🙂

3. Ryan and I drove 30 minutes to a mall on Sunday after church so I could return a dress from Christmas, and when we got there I learned the store I needed to go to was closed on Sundays. Epic fail. Lucky for me, I am blessed with a very sweet and patient man, who didn’t even get mad at me. Love him to death!


4. Remember when Bear hurt his leg? Well a lot has happened since then, but I’m not going to share details until everything is final. His leg is getting better though. Our dogs are where part of the unexpected expenses are coming from.

5. With everything that has happened I really haven’t got to blog much in February, which is a shame because I haven’t been able to share how much I LOVE this month! And no, it has nothing to do with Valentines Day. February is my birthday month!! 🙂 Yes, I like to celebrate the whole month. Becky, (not to be confused with myself) you are with me on this, right? 😉 In case you were wondering and wanted to mark your calendar, the big day is February 17th. 😉


In case you want to send me a present, pro-compression socks would be nice. Or running shorts. Or if you really want to be best friends, you can send me running shoes. I wear a size 8. Or you know, you can send me food.

6. Valentines Day is in four days. What? How did it sneak up on us so fast? I have had a post planned for a while, “True Love”, that I was saving to write around Valentines Day, but the blog issues might not be totally resolved, so I might just do it at a random time. 😉


7. Ryan and I had an ice cream date Saturday night, and it was fantastic!


Except what I had Saturday was in a waffle cone!

8. How do the snowboarders and skiers on the Olympics make everything look so easy and smooth? If I went out there and tried any of the things they do…I would die.

9. After I finished writing this post yesterday, I accidentally hit publish before I wanted to publish it, so then I had to make it a draft again. So if you follow me by email, and you got an email that didn’t lead you to a post, that’s why. Sorry, my bad!

10. Yesterday, I was feeling super productive after work. I ran by the grocery store to get sunflower seeds and hairspray, came home, had a snack, washed my pullover (that I spilt barbecue sauce on at lunch), cleaned the kitchen, unloaded the dishwasher, did 20 minutes of yoga for runners, made homemade cashew butter, cooked tortilla soup, and while the soup was cooking on the stove I did three rounds of my Add on Leg Workout. And we still at dinner by 6:15! Plus, yesterday morning I was able to get in a 7 mile run! I need to make all of my days that productive!

That is all I have to share at this moment. I am hoping to be self-hosting soon! Thanks for being wonderful y’all! 🙂


1. Tell me about what is going on in your life?

2. Would you like a post about how to deal with total and complete exhaustion?

3. Do you like to celebrate your birthday for the whole month, or is that just me?

4. Are you excited for Valentines Day?

5. What makes you be super productive? Having a list, or knowing what I need to do really helps me!


  1. Happy (almost) birthday to you! I pretty much celebrated my birthday through all of November this past year, because I turned 30, which was HUGE. At least, I had to make it huge so I wouldn’t have a mental breakdown about my age.
    I would send you a gift, but my financial situation is pretty tight right now, too. BUT, I am running a giveaway on my blog right now and there’s still an hour left on it, if you’re interested in entering. Maybe you’ll win a birthday gift! 🙂

      1. Haha I know you were joking…but it would have been really cool if you won something on/around your birthday! Running Southern is also doing a giveaway for Pro Compression socks, you could always try that one!

  2. How funny – I named my blog today the same title! I guess we both needed to catch up. I’m glad you were able to take some time off to spend with family. And yes, it is totally normal to have a birth month instead of just a birthday!

    Having a list is my go-to way to be productive too. I like being able to visually cross things off a list.

  3. So nice to read this update 🙂 I am glad things are overall going really well. Your marathon runs are so awesome!! My life has been really happy and positive. I can’t wait to leave on my trip on Friday — I will make sure to wish you a happy birthday before I go. Hope you have a fabulous Tuesday.
    ps. Your meatless meals have all looked delicious! I started eating some chicken again but I still don’t love meat.

    1. I can’t wait to hear about your trip; trips are always so fun! I had chicken last weekend too, but I honestly wasn’t crazy about it. But having a little bit doesn’t bother me!

  4. So sorry to hear about the self hosting and no space. I know it’s a lot of money, but I would say it’s worth it. The domain was only like $15 to purchase, which I did first. The self hosting is a big chunk of change. Just sign up for a year and it should be less! I know they get you with “this much per month” but they charge it all to you up front.. which sucked, haha. Have a good week! Happy Birthday if we don’t hear from you before then!

  5. I’m so sorry to hear about the death in your family. I think a post on exhaustion would be very helpful. I think we all go through it at some point. Good luck on becoming self-hosted. I hope you’re able to make it happen soon!

  6. First off I am so sorry for your family’s loss! She sounds like a wonderful person. Not sure how I missed that post? I will be praying for you all!

    Happy Birthday month!! What a fun birthday right next to Valentines Day 🙂

    I went self-hosted right after I started and it was actually pretty cheap through hostgator.com. Check them out! I think I paid around $45 or so and I did the switching over myself. Good luck!

  7. I’m so happy to hear that everything is getting better. I know when going through a really tough experience, it can bring on a huge toll. I’m happy to see the positivity in you! 🙂

    Ooo, happy early birthday! 😀

    Congrats on the mileage!

  8. I would love to read a post about exhaustion!
    I totally celebrate all month long too (also February!). But my birthday is Feb 1, so sometimes I also claim part of January…

  9. Welcome back my dear! I’m so glad you’re finally starting to feel happier and really just back to yourself again. Death truly is the hardest thing to overcome, both mentally and physically. As I’ve told you before, I’m always here, girl!

    Happy almost Birthday, dear! You deserve every bit of happiness & really all the world has to offer. I truly wish you day is everything you’ve hoped for & more. So yes, eat loads of cake and treat yourself to something fabulous!!

  10. I’d love to read about a post on total and complete exhaustion.

    Well done on that long 16 mile run, training for a marathon is just awesome.

    Happy almost birthday!

    Self hosting is good but it is painful to do the move, but I definitely agree on using pictures to break up blog posts 🙂

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