Thank You for Being Patient

Hello! I am just stopping by real quick to say a few things in a numbered list format!

1. Thank you for all of your sweet words and comments on my post about Aunt Kim. Also, thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers. Seriously, y’all are so sweet and I continue to be amazed by the blogging community and the people I have met.

2. Thank you for being patient with me as I have gone a few days without posting. I thought I would have been able to have a post written for yesterday and another one for today (besides this short, quick post). This hasn’t happened though. It’s been a hard, exhausting week, but it is getting better.

3. I am hoping to have a real post up by tomorrow! 🙂

That is all! 🙂 I am going to bed now so that hopefully I wake up fully refreshed and energized tomorrow! I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday! Go out, be happy, be active, love freely, and be thankful for everything and everybody.

Also, I am working on switching to self-hosting my blog and getting my own domain name! Eeek! I am nervous and excited! 🙂 Any tips you have are welcome here!


  1. I’d love to hear about your experiences switching to self-hosting and getting your own domain name. Although I’m not there quite yet, I know I will be down the road some day, and it’s always great to learn through other people’s experiences. Have a great night!

  2. Eeps! Self-hosted!!! I am so pumped for you! I had someone do it for me because I did not want to mess it up! I HOPE you blog about your experience if you do it yourself, I’d love to hear a candid review of whether or not it’s really hard!

    PS: I am giving you and Ryan a virtual hug!

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