Where I’ve Been All Week and Organization Challenge Recap

This has definitely been a crazy, unplanned week, which explains why I have only wrote one post this week. Like I mentioned in my last post, Ryan’s grandmother, known as Grandma, past away last week. This past Thursday was the visitation, and Friday was the funeral. This was not easy, but it was a celebration because she is in Heaven now. I got to meet some more of Ryan’s family members, which I enjoyed since we are getting married soon! It is always good to know the whole family!

I know bloggers are supposed to take pictures of everything, but this weekend wasn’t a time to take pictures. So there is why I have been so absent in the blogging world, but onto happier things!

Yesterday my Mom and I met with my Aunt Nancy and her sister, Cathy to talk about my flowers for the wedding! Cathy and her friend, Cathy (I know it’s super confusing because both of their names are Cathy!), are going to take care of all of my flowers, which is such a stress reliever for me! I know nothing about flowers, and because they have done flowers for weddings numerous times, I know they will make everything beautiful!

yellow and gray wedding flowers

These are not the flowers we will be using, I just googled yellow and gray wedding flowers so I could put a picture here. 🙂 Source

My Mom and I also went to Hobby Lobby to get some prices for custom framing. I am going to be getting my bridal portraits taken at the end of May, and we want to get one of the pictures framed for the reception after the wedding. My mom and I were pleasantly surprised when we saw the prices because they seemed very reasonable!

I was also excited to see that my bridal hanger came in the mail!

bridal hanger

I was so excited to see this, and I was very happy with the final product!

Ryan and I with bridal hanger

I ordered it from Etsy.com. If you have never checked this website out, you should do it now! It is awesome!

Yesterday I started feeling bad, and I ended up being pretty sick. My head hurt, and I felt nauseous. I slept away most of this morning, and I still don’t feel the best. The only thing I have eaten today is  Belvita crackers. I haven’t been hungry at all, but I knew I needed to try to eat something and see if I could keep it down. Hopefully I am over whatever I have by tomorrow so that I can get back to working out!

Organization Challenge

So I took part in Melissa’s Organization Challenge for the month of April, but I am sad to say that I did not do what I planned to do this month in order to get more organized. 😦 In this post, I wrote about my goal of wanting to become a more organized blogger, and I wanted to start using the WordPress Editorial Calendar Plugin to organize what posts I  wanted to write and when. The month of April just seemed to get away from me though, and between trying to finish school, plan our wedding, and working to finish my thesis, I just did not have any time. But, this challenge was definitely not a waste of my time! I am still keeping this goal to become more organized in my blogging life, and I am hoping I will be able to meet this goal this summer when I have more time. Thanks Melissa for hosting such a great challenge! 🙂


Are you a naturally organized person? I am with most things, or at least I try to be 😉

Have you ever used etsy.com? Did you like it?

Did your week have any surprises for you like mine did, or did it go as planned? 


  1. I’m sorry about your fiance’s loss.

    Like the coat hanger! So cute!

    No, I’m not organized. I have done an etsy interview and giveaway for my blog but generally I don’t use etsy. Of course, I don’t shop much anyway.

    Pretty much went as planned.

  2. Oh mannn when it rains it pours, doesn’t it? We’ve been having a weekend full of funeral related things too–and although it’s such a sorrowful time it’s sooo good to know they loved the Lord! I hope Ryan’s family grieves and celebrates well during this process. 🙂

    And omgshh Etsy is too crazy cool! I haven’t been on it for a while but I have a feeling I’ll be “trapped” in it for baby stuff now. lol!

    1. Thank you so much Ellie. And you are right, everything seems to always come at you at once.

      And yes, you could find so many cute baby things on Etsy! You will love it! 🙂

  3. I’m sorry to hear about your loss. It must be hard, especially with your wedding quickly approaching. I love your wedding hanger 🙂 They weren’t big when I was engaged but I would totally get one if I wasn’t married yet!

    1. Thank you, the loss was hard, but a celebration to know she is in Heaven now.

      And I don’t know when these hangers got popular, but I am so glad they did because I love them! 🙂

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