My First Blogging Award!!

So my day was TOTALLY MADE when I found out that I was nominated for my first blogging award!!

excited kid face

I am pretty sure this is what my face looked like when I found out about this. (Except, obviously not nearly as cute.) I was student teaching all day (today was my last day for this semester, WHOO!), so I actually didn’t see that I was nominated for this until a couple of hours ago. I came home and immediately changed to go workout, and then I got the good news as I checked my email for the first time when I was eating dinner.

First, I want to give a HUGE thank you to Heather over at FitncookiesΒ for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award

Versatile Blogger Award

So here is how this awesome little award works!

1. Add the Versatile Blogger Award photo on a blog post.

2. Thank the person who presented you with the award and link back to him or her in your post.

3. Share 7 things about yourself

4. Pass the award onto 15 of your favorite bloggers. Contact the chosen bloggers to let them know of the award.

7 Things About Me!

1. I don’t really like chocolate. I can eat some things if they aren’t pure chocolate, such as Kit-Kats, since they have the wafer on the inside. But anything that is pure chocolate I highly dislike.

2. I love to cook! Since I am in college right now I don’t get to cook near as much as I want to because of time and money, but I am hoping to get to cook more once I get married this summer! I love making new healthy recipes!

3. I really want to go to Africa one day on a mission trip! I love Jesus, and I want to be able to go to the lost places of the world and share Jesus’ love with them! I have been on several local mission trips and a couple of international ones: one in Guatemala in 2009, and one in London last summer in 2012. I don’t know why God has laid Africa on my heart, but I hope one day Ryan and I can go there and serve Jesus together! Acts 20:24!

share Jesus

4. I love to play sports, and tennis and volleyball are my absolute favorites! When I was in high school I was very into sports and played everything I could, but volleyball and tennis were definitely my favorites! I still love playing them today and will play anytime I get a chance. Lucky for me, Ryan also loves both of these sports, so this is fun for us to do together.

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I had to throw in some old high school volleyball and tennis pictures for y’all! πŸ™‚

5. One day Ryan and I hope to adopt at least one child from a third world country, and we do not want this child to be white. I know this may sound weird, but Ryan and I think it would be such an awesome witness to people to show that we are all God’s children, and that color does not matter. We want people to look at our family and know that we do not care what anyone looks like, but we love everyone because that is what Jesus calls us to do.

6. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day by far! Pretty much every night I go to bed thinking about what I am going to eat the next morning, and almost every morning I wake up hungry. If I don’t get to eat breakfast, you don’t want to be around me! My hunger gets to me and let’s just say I’m not the happiest person to be around. πŸ˜‰

7. I seem to always have extremely cold hands and feet. I mean, they get unusually cold. It doesn’t matter if it is freezing cold outside or burning up, you can almost always count on my extremities being cold. For this reason, gloves and fuzzy socks are my best friends year around. πŸ™‚ I feel no shame in wearing fuzzy socks in the middle of July. πŸ˜‰ There have actually been several occasions where I have touched Ryan and he moved my hand because they were too cold. Haha!

fuzzy socks

Now the fun part, I get to nominate 15 of my favorite bloggers!

1. Cori @

2. Janae @

3. Sara @

4. Christina @

5. Melissa @

6. Lindsay @

7. Courtney @

8. Ellie

9. Alex @Β

10. Julie @

11. Becky @

12. Tina @

13. Tina Reale @

14. Courtney @

15. Alyssa @

All of these blogs are awesome, and you should check them out!

Now before I end this post, I just have to say again how excited I was to get this award. I am still so new to blogging, and I know there is so much for me to learn and improve on. To be honest, my life has been crazy the last couple of weeks and I haven’t got to blog very much. I kept thinking, “man, I was finally building up some followers, and now I’m going to lose them because I haven’t been blogging consistently. Then today I was surprised with this award! A few weeks ago I prayed and asked God to help me from keep from making this blog an idol in my life. I asked that if this blog flourished that it would bring Him glory. Seeing as I got nominated for this award in a time where I wasn’t blogging ever day, I take this as God telling me that if I don’t blog every day it is okay because there are more important things. Blogging is a part of my life, but it should never become my life.


Did you ever struggle with blogging overtaking your life? How did you cope with it?

If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?

What is your favorite meal: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?

Any other fuzzy sock lovers out there? πŸ™‚


  1. Thanks for the nomination dear!! You’re so sweet πŸ™‚ I love your goal of adoption in the future. There are so many children in our world that need loving parents!!

      1. I think the US, my aunt did this thing where she adopted from an organization that had children who were just neglected by young, irresponsible, mostly likely drug addict parents.

  2. You’re so welcome! I loved reading everything about you, especially that you guys want to adopt. That says so much about you guys and I love it. Also, my hands are ALWAYS freezing, as well! Aaron hates holding hands with me because they are ice cubes!

    1. I am so glad to know that I’m not the only one whose hands feel like icicles! Haha!

      And I’m glad you liked reading the seven things about me. I always love reading interesting things about other bloggers!

    1. I am hoping to teach a younger grade, preferably below third. I like the young ones. πŸ™‚ And I did not know you are a teacher! What subject do you teach?

  3. Thanks SO much for the honor! And it sounds like we are very alike. I really want to do a mission trip to Africa someday too. I bet it would be quite the experience. And breakfast? Can’t be beat!

    Congrats on finishing up student teaching! Such a great feeling, huh?

    1. Oh I love finding out when someone else and I are a lot alike! So fun! And yes, it is so nice to know that I am half way done with student teaching! Just one more semester; I can do this!

  4. Ohh thank you so much for the love, lovely! πŸ˜€ And I love that you always share about your thoughts on missions! Growing up I alwwwwayyyys had a heart for Africa and now I know that the whole time it was the Lord working in my heart. Lately I’ve had such a heart for the unreachables, and I thinkt hat passion grew stronger within me after I went to India. There’s so much to do! πŸ™‚

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